Investment Management & Strategy
Due to the proliferation of new investment categories, the number of specialisms within Investment Management is increasing. There are specialist portfolio managers for each investment category who manage a portfolio of direct investments, as well as portfolio managers who select and monitor a portfolio of external asset managers and funds. There is also increasing demand for investors and investment strategists who can add value to investment portfolios and strategies across investment categories.
Chief Investment Officer, Hoofd van een beleggingscategorie, Hoofd Beleggingsstrategie, Senior Portfoliomanager, Senior Strateeg
Trackrecord Investment Management & Strategy
- Manager Investments - Verzekeraar
- Investment Specialist - Family Office
- Senior Investment Advisor - Consultancy firm
- Extern lid Investment Committee - Ondernemingspensioenfonds
- Senior Specialist Beleggen - Grootbank
These are some examples, please feel free to contact us for more information.